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Mira 2011 - Training Leiria II (97 Km) - 2011-06-17
(Pigeons from Grand Prix FCI GVN Only)
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Pos. Country Pigeon Ring Nr. Owner Arrival
1001 Portugal 1473845/11 João Carlos Sá Andrade 18 09:07:31.6
1002 Argentina 640110/11 Lagruta Marcelo 18 10:13:54.2
1003 Portugal 1560426/11 Eduardo Costa 18 11:22:48.3
1004 Belgium 6278967/11 Vets & Mertens 19 15:51:02.2
1005 France 301213/11 Sylvie Rahal 19 15:52:06.1
1006 Belgium 6025089/11 Andre Roodhooft 20 12:17:18.6
1007 Croatia 33024/11 Denis Culic-Dubrovnik 21 12:09:59.3
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