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Mira 2011 - Training Leiria II (97 Km) - 2011-06-17
(Pigeons from Youth European Championship Only)
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Pos. Country Pigeon Ring Nr. Owner Arrival
1 Portugal 1166508/11 Escola Padre Donaciano 08:59:40.8
2 Portugal 1137503/11 Mensageiros de S. Cosme 08:59:45.6
3 Austria 503-1261/11 Sarah Glanzer 08:59:51.9
4 Germany 04119-317/11 Nadine Dunz 08:59:52.9
5 France 048830/11 Mathéo Burlion 08:59:55.1
6 France 430065/11 Malaurie Miquel 08:59:55.3
7 Switzerland 9011/11 Jessica & Johnny 08:59:55.6
8 Germany 0111-33/11 Lukas Mimberg 08:59:56.1
9 Germany 0643-446/11 Ida-Charlotte Führer 08:59:58.1
10 France 048824/11 Jean-Luc Dreumont 08:59:58.9
11 Portugal 1477707/11 Convivio Jovem 09:00:02.6
12 France 428785/11 Guillaume Moulis 09:00:04.3
13 Switzerland 17588/11 DennisTrenner 09:00:05.4
14 Portugal 1108004/11 Escola Gonçalo Sampaio 09:00:08.3
15 Portugal 1166503/11 Escola Padre Donaciano 09:00:08.5
16 Portugal 1108006/11 Escola Gonçalo Sampaio 09:00:10.8
17 Germany 03557-1310/11 Thomas Block 09:00:13.9
18 France 008632/11 Valentin Lastique 09:00:14.9
19 Germany 04117-834/11 Jan Kallen 09:00:25.2
20 Slovakia 0999-12794/11 Tamás Ivancsik 09:00:26.4
21 Switzerland 19357/11 Gian Stöckli 09:00:27.0
22 Spain 2457/11 Álvaro García Muńoz 09:00:31.6
23 Austria 05711-699/11 Kathrin Schropp 09:00:31.9
24 Austria 301-1052/11 Gernot Marchat 09:00:33.7
25 Czech Republic 0148-30/11 Pavel Prikryl 09:00:34.6
26 Portugal 1144002/11 Escola da Pedrulha 09:00:38.4
27 Austria 503-1272/11 Sarah Glanzer 09:00:40.7
28 Germany 07201-203/11 Alexandra Hegering 09:00:42.9
29 France 404118/11 Rudy Krolic 09:00:45.6
30 Germany 01972-281/11 Marcel Krause 09:00:46.8
31 Spain 173133/11 Pedro José Sillero Fuentes 09:00:49.6
32 Switzerland 21779/11 Raffaela Zehnder 09:00:50.6
33 France 350101/11 Romain Moreira 09:00:54.6
34 Austria 301-1053/11 Alexander Marchat 09:01:02.2
35 Switzerland 5532/11 Rebeka Gabathuler 09:01:11.4
36 Hungary D341348/11 Nyitrai Gabriella 09:01:12.8
37 Switzerland 17587/11 DennisTrenner 09:01:16.3
38 France 428787/11 Nicolas Matos 09:01:17.4
39 Belgium 4209583/11 Rik Soetens 09:01:22.6
40 Germany 07014-519/11 Rene Lampe 09:01:22.9
41 Switzerland 19358/11 Gian Stöckli 09:01:24.7
42 Spain 2449/11 Álvaro García Muńoz 09:01:25.5
43 Austria 503-1273/11 Kathrin Schropp 09:01:27.4
44 Slovakia 0999-10894/11 Tomás Slovácek 09:01:29.7
45 Belgium 3097908/11 Yannick Haesaert 09:01:31.8
46 Austria 602-911/11 Marco Zerner 09:01:34.9
47 Germany 06402-443/11 Kim Woyke 09:01:35.3
48 Switzerland 4501/11 Tanja Morf 09:01:37.6
49 Austria 602-905/11 Marco Zerner 09:01:45.0
50 Czech Republic 051-375/11 Filip Antropius 09:01:45.6
51 Slovakia 0999-12797/11 Tamás Ivancsik 09:01:50.9
52 Switzerland 21776/11 Rebecca Zehnder 09:01:53.9
53 Belgium 4177152/11 Jens van Cutsem 09:01:56.0
54 Portugal 1166505/11 Escola Padre Donaciano 09:01:59.2
55 Slovakia 0702-93/11 Tamás Ivancsik 09:01:59.5
56 Slovakia 0999-12798/11 Tamás Ivancsik 09:02:02.4
57 Spain 38004/11 Esteban M Martínez 09:02:08.1
58 Spain 2459/11 Adrián García Muńoz 09:02:12.3
59 Austria 332-813/11 Tamara Königsecker 09:02:13.7
60 Germany 01627-49/11 Michael Keidel 09:02:14.9
61 Spain 177567/11 Borja Castellano Sánchez 09:02:15.7
62 Portugal 1166507/11 Escola Padre Donaciano 09:02:16.9
63 Germany 06776-421/11 Lena Dornik 09:02:26.5
64 Portugal 1477702/11 Convivio Jovem 09:02:31.9
65 Austria 602-206/11 Anna Maria Neag 09:02:33.5
66 Czech Republic 0999-10805/11 Stepán Manák 09:02:36.9
67 Switzerland 4502/11 Tanja Morf 09:02:38.9
68 Switzerland 21775/11 Rebecca Zehnder 09:02:39.7
69 France 008321/11 Sylvain Henry 09:02:41.4
70 Switzerland 19362/11 Leon Stöckli 09:02:41.7
71 Switzerland 9010/11 Jessica & Johnny 09:02:47.6
72 Belgium 6222811/11 Kevin & Nick Ceulemans 09:02:52.3
73 Germany 03992-208/11 Elena Wallis 09:02:52.5
74 Hungary 24-43202/11 Dakos Ákos 09:02:57.7
75 Czech Republic 0208-202/11 Stepán Manák 09:02:58.7
76 Spain 2451/11 Álvaro García Muńoz 09:03:01.7
77 Slovakia 0999-10891/11 Tomás Slovácek 09:03:05.3
78 Belgium 4101269/11 Richie Saelens 09:03:05.6
79 Switzerland 17807/11 Sebi Hofer 09:03:05.8
80 Portugal 1108005/11 Escola Gonçalo Sampaio 09:03:08.2
81 France 082096/11 Mélanie Cadart 09:03:11.6
82 Germany 09885-332/11 Nicolas Janker 09:03:13.9
83 France 430060/11 Rémi Jean 09:03:14.5
84 Switzerland 21774/11 Rolf Zehnder 09:03:16.8
85 Switzerland 21780/11 Raffaela Zehnder 09:03:20.8
86 Slovakia 0702-97/11 Tamás Ivancsik 09:03:21.1
87 Czech Republic 0400-3180/11 Matin Ryzí 09:03:22.3
88 Germany 0929-585/11 Axel Brösamle 09:03:26.8
89 Spain 113122/11 David Merino Cabria 09:03:27.0
90 Austria 301-1044/11 Gernot Marchat 09:03:28.2
91 Switzerland 5457/11 Sara Milanovic 09:03:31.3
92 Czech Republic 051-377/11 Filip Antropius 09:03:32.1
93 France 013709/11 Camille Simon 09:03:37.4
94 Croatia 36307/11 Kruno Jelecki 09:03:40.7
95 Austria 503-1267/11 Sarah Glanzer 09:03:41.9
96 Austria 602-204/11 Anna Maria Neag 09:03:42.5
97 Belgium 6307285/11 Jefke Lenaerts 09:03:42.8
98 Switzerland 1195/11 Werner Bühler 09:03:43.6
99 Portugal 1108003/11 Escola Gonçalo Sampaio 09:03:43.9
100 Austria 602-901/11 Marco Zerner 09:03:50.9
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