Mira 2019 - League of Nations Individual Results
Note that the results only display the oficially classified pigeons.
To see all the pigeons please refer to the Arrival List
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Pos. Country Pigeon Ring Nr. Owner Average Arrival
*France 041147/19 Dominique Coeur 271,8536 2019-09-01 17:37:33.4
*Argentina 1120165/19 Alasia - Macherette 270,0000 2019-09-01 17:48:02.2
*Romania 507029/19 Moldovan Petrica 267,1341 2019-09-01 18:04:31.6
*Switzerland 17091/19 Lutropical & Oliveira 266,2632 2019-09-01 18:09:36.5
*Switzerland 12415/19 Nell Jean-Pierre 251,0314 2019-09-01 19:44:10.8
*Belgium 1010488/19 Hensen - Mentior 246,4056 2019-09-01 20:15:12.9
*Spain 145078/19 Rida Gzouly Kafi 230,8923 2019-09-02 07:04:22.5
*Austria 105-125/19 Laura Ivanschitz 230,1442 2019-09-02 07:10:13.0
*France 188001/19 Raphaël Bamba da Silva 229,7660 2019-09-02 07:13:11.1
*Romania 498030/19 Florin Cristuinea 216,1045 2019-09-02 09:07:22.0
*Austria 602-2145/19 Marco Zerner 214,1726 2019-09-02 09:24:41.4
*France 009848/19 Patrice Cholet 213,8506 2019-09-02 09:27:36.4
*Malta 12-0707/19 Federation Team Malta 212,8306 2019-09-02 09:36:54.4
*France 068519/19 Sylvie Rahal 212,5292 2019-09-02 09:39:40.4
*Romania 498018/19 Adela & Emma Cristuinea 210,8702 2019-09-02 09:55:02.1
*Italy 9065288/19 Bulgagiu Ioan 208,7309 2019-09-02 10:15:12.4
*Malta 23-2229/19 Federation Team Malta 208,3153 2019-09-02 10:19:10.4
*Slovakia 02601-44/19 Evin Stefan 208,1950 2019-09-02 10:20:19.4
*Romania 498011/19 Adela & Emma Cristuinea 205,1232 2019-09-02 10:50:10.5
*Portugal 9138161/19 Asas de São Julião 203,4335 2019-09-02 11:06:58.7
*Greece 1219159/19 Stamatioy Loft 202,2969 2019-09-02 11:18:26.4
*Spain 79043/19 Mª Ángeles Gutiérrez 200,1364 2019-09-02 11:40:35.2
*Romania 507501/19 Huzu Rares Jr 189,8456 2019-09-02 13:32:59.2
*Bulgary 67938/19 Marian Paskov 187,9903 2019-09-02 13:54:33.7
*United Kingdom Z62535/19 Diggle School 181,2883 2019-09-02 15:16:10.3
*Italy 9117810/19 Fazzini Cristian 181,0412 2019-09-02 15:19:17.8
*Spain 28212/19 Mateo Armenteros 180,3878 2019-09-02 15:27:35.9
*Slovakia 01302-953/19 Sadlak Vendelin & Andrej 174,9251 2019-09-02 16:39:26.6
*United Kingdom Z62539/19 Diggle School 172,0070 2019-09-02 17:19:41.6
*Slovakia 0605-430/19 Blazenec & Vano 163,4355 2019-09-02 19:26:13.6
*Malta 18-4426/19 Federation Team Malta 148,8985 2019-09-03 08:30:07.9
*Argentina 1120010/19 Jesus Jung 147,4455 2019-09-03 08:57:35.9
*Bulgary 67937/19 Marian Paskov 147,0302 2019-09-03 09:05:32.9
*United Kingdom V17533/19 J Angus-Beaton 125,2441 2019-09-03 17:16:31.8
*Malta 14-0947/19 Federation Team Malta 34,4611 2019-09-13 12:05:34.6
*France 055093/19 Didier Lefevre 31,1483 2019-09-14 18:22:21.5
*Greece 2121015/19 Mihailidis Aris & Dionisis 24,7069 2019-09-18 15:59:57.3
*Italy 9088610/19 Armellini Matteo 19,6088 2019-09-23 13:26:55.3
*Slovakia 0503-815/19 Pavelka Patrik 16,2185 2019-09-28 11:51:02.1
* Pigeon excluded from classification, according to the regulations
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