Mira 2011 - List of Participating Pigeons
All Championships

(Please Click on one of the flags below to see the pigeons of that country)

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Netherlands Netherlands
Ring Nr. Owner Championships
1816085/11Comb. Geelhoed & Snap Grand Prix FCI GVN 
1816086/11Comb. Geelhoed & Snap Grand Prix FCI GVN 
3021984/11M. Reynen Grand Prix FCI GVN 
3021985/11M. Reynen Grand Prix FCI GVN 
3021986/11M. Reynen Grand Prix FCI GVN 
3021992/11M. Reynen Grand Prix FCI GVN 
3021993/11M. Reynen Grand Prix FCI GVN 
1937602/11Pierre Bergmans Grand Prix FCI GVN 
1937604/11Pierre Bergmans Grand Prix FCI GVN 
1937610/11Pierre Bergmans Grand Prix FCI GVN 
1937612/11Pierre Bergmans Grand Prix FCI GVN 
1937614/11Pierre Bergmans Grand Prix FCI GVN 
1937616/11Pierre Bergmans Grand Prix FCI GVN 

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