Mira 2005 - List of Participating Pigeons
European Championship

(Please Click on one of the flags below to see the pigeons of that country)
Germany Austria Belgium Spain France United Kingdom Netherlands Hungary Yugoslavia Portugal Switzerland

France France
Ring Nr. Owner Championships
417511/05Alfons Fricken European Championship 
593440/05Antoine Pereira European Championship 
539121/05Antonio Malheiro European Championship 
468504/05Boizeau - Demazures G & R European Championship 
273510/05Claude & Georges Herman European Championship 
491238/05Colombier Pessel European Championship 
408849/05Develey Aimé European Championship 
351502/05Didier Dwoult European Championship 
529145/05Fino da Costa European Championship 
396732/05Gilbert Ghinzone European Championship 
161044/05Gilles Dachicourt European Championship 
600450/05Henri Nowak European Championship 
503427/05Jean Luc Dumas European Championship 
368013/05Jean Marc Erand European Championship 
559743/05Jean Marc Mourguet European Championship 
378507/05Joel & Christophe Videau European Championship 
570128/05Lebas Pascal European Championship 
584520/05Marc Spalart European Championship 
391618/05Michel Bouvet European Championship 
503012/05Patrick Dumas European Championship 
591013/05Pierre Bomas European Championship 
384955/05Simon P & Fils European Championship 
379503/05Villett - Max European Championship 
059579/05Yves Paris European Championship 
477257/05Ziolkowski Pére & Fils European Championship 

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