Mira 2005
Summary by Country of the Individual Results

(Please Click on one of the flags below to see the pigeons of that country)
South Africa Germany Austria Belgium Brazil Spain France United Kingdom Netherlands Hungary Italy Yugoslavia Portugal Switzerland

Spain Spain
Ring Nr. Owner Results
031438/05Antonio Forner Guzman Arrival List: 64
European Championship: 9
European Championship - Ace Pigeon: 8
243217/05Barnabé Gabrera Lemes Arrival List: 105
Grand Prix GVN: 72
Grand Prix GVN - Ace Pigeon: 35
305180/05Carlos Marquez Prats Arrival List: 122
European Championship: 19
European Championship - Ace Pigeon: 26
219986/05H&Q Lofts Arrival List: 76
Grand Prix GVN: 55
Grand Prix GVN - Ace Pigeon: 65
219988/05H&Q Lofts Arrival List: 60
Grand Prix GVN: 42
Grand Prix GVN - Ace Pigeon: 20
282920/05J.M. Salmon Arrival List: 155
Latin American Tournament: 7
035555/05Javier Peral Arrival List: 164
European Championship: 26
European Championship - Ace Pigeon: 20
036289/05Javier Peral Arrival List: 21
Latin American Tournament: 2
008593/05José F Vazquez Loureiro Arrival List: 77
Grand Prix GVN: 56
Grand Prix GVN - Ace Pigeon: 1
008595/05José F Vazquez Loureiro Arrival List: 20
Grand Prix GVN: 13
Grand Prix GVN - Ace Pigeon: 44
298012/05Jose Fernando Costa Silva Arrival List: 58
Latin American Tournament: 3
298027/05Jose Fernando Costa Silva Arrival List: 18
European Championship: 3
European Championship - Ace Pigeon: 21
257559/05Juan Lemes Machado Arrival List: 128
Grand Prix GVN: 82
Grand Prix GVN - Ace Pigeon: 92
257549/05Martin & Osvaldo Arrival List: 88
Grand Prix GVN: 63
Grand Prix GVN - Ace Pigeon: 22
257555/05Martin & Osvaldo Arrival List: 52
Grand Prix GVN: 35
Grand Prix GVN - Ace Pigeon: 97
257556/05Osvaldo & Martin Arrival List: 53
Grand Prix GVN: 36
Grand Prix GVN - Ace Pigeon: 46
044471/05Rafael Infante Marquez Arrival List: 61
European Championship: 8
European Championship - Ace Pigeon: 17

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